High fat, High Protein & Mealtime Management

Birmingham Children's Hospital Resources (shared with kind permission from John Pemberton)

How to be successful with advanced bolusing and managing exercise: KISS (keep it simple and safe) for insulin pumps patient booklet

Superbolus patient booklet

Mealtime insulin guide for different types of meal

Mealtime insulin dosing guide (including low carb meals)

Mealtime insulin dosing guide presentation

Reducing post-meal spikes infographic

Ultimate guide to mealtime insulin dosing with T1D

Ultimate mealtime insulin dosing guide YouTube Video:


Managing High Fat and Protein Meals on Insulin Pump (Jennie Brown, Whiston Hospital)

Link to patient leaflet on managing high fat and protein meals on an insulin pump

Link to patient leaflet on advanced bolus options on insulin pump

Webinar with Carmel Smart on managing challenging meals

Webinar slides


Digibete Resources

Managing challenging meals video

Strike the breakfast spike resources