This Food Fact Sheet will help you understand what dehydration might look like and how to either stop it from happening or manage it and how much fluid we need to drink.
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become thin and their strength is reduced. This makes them more likely to break. It affects both men and women but is most common after the menopause.
This Fact Sheet will help you to choose snacks that will form a nutritious part of your diet. It will help you avoid snacks that can contribute too many extra calories and additional fat, sugar and salt to your food intake.
Malnutrition is a condition which happens when you do not get the correct amount of nutrients from your diet. The simple steps outlined in this Food Fact Sheet should help to identify and treat malnutrition.
Research on soya foods is ongoing, but it is clear that soya is a nutritious and useful part of the diet which fits well with healthy eating guidelines and may have multiple health benefits.
Evidence is growing that eating wholegrains regularly as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle helps to keep us healthy. This fact sheet shares ways to increase wholegrain consumption, examples of wholegrains and what benefits they provide.
This Food Fact Sheet is about the role that diet may have in managing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis literally means the inflammation of joints.
Packed lunches can be easy, healthy and exciting. These tips can help you make a tasty and nutritious lunch and help you choose options from the main food groups.
Do you really need supplements or are they just a waste of money? Mixed messages from the media, family and friends can make things even more confusing. This Food Fact Sheet will help you decide.
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition. When someone with coeliac disease eats gluten, it causes the body’s immune system to attack and damage its own tissues. This fact sheet discusses symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Coeliac disease.
Dietary changes can often help irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and sometimes simple changes are all that are needed. This Food Fact Sheet explains that dietary changes can help these symptoms.
Checking the nutrition label is a good way to compare products, make healthier choices and eat a balanced diet. This fact sheet aims to help you understand and use the nutrition information presented on the food label..
Following a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, symptoms can last for more than 12 weeks. This is called Long Covid. Symptoms vary a lot. They affect people differently and affect many different body systems. This fact sheet explains how diet can help with recovery.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), is a complex, chronic medical condition affecting multiple body systems.