This Fact Sheet will help you to choose snacks that will form a nutritious part of your diet. It will help you avoid snacks that can contribute too many extra calories and additional fat, sugar and salt to your food intake.
Research on soya foods is ongoing, but it is clear that soya is a nutritious and useful part of the diet which fits well with healthy eating guidelines and may have multiple health benefits.
Packed lunches can be easy, healthy and exciting. These tips can help you make a tasty and nutritious lunch and help you choose options from the main food groups.
Do you really need supplements or are they just a waste of money? Mixed messages from the media, family and friends can make things even more confusing. This Food Fact Sheet will help you decide.
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition. When someone with coeliac disease eats gluten, it causes the body’s immune system to attack and damage its own tissues. This fact sheet discusses symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Coeliac disease.
Dietary changes can often help irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and sometimes simple changes are all that are needed. This Food Fact Sheet explains that dietary changes can help these symptoms.
Checking the nutrition label is a good way to compare products, make healthier choices and eat a balanced diet. This fact sheet aims to help you understand and use the nutrition information presented on the food label..
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), is a complex, chronic medical condition affecting multiple body systems.
This Food Fact Sheet will look at stanols' and sterols' role in reducing the bad type of cholesterol in our blood - which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
We know that achieving a healthier weight can be a challenge and maintaining a healthier weight can be difficult too. This fact sheet will support you to get started and keep going.
If you are autistic, you may have difficulty with communication and social interactions with others. This Fact Sheet looks at the most common dietary problems affecting autistic people and how dietitians can help.
Tempting though the endless range of ‘quick-fix’ and ‘miracle’ options may be, the promises they make for rapid weight loss for minimum effort are often unrealistic and unsustainable. Most fad diets are associated with some degree of nutritional or health risk.
Sustainable diets are a global concern. From farm to fork to waste, each stage of our food system has environmental impacts – farming and manufacturing processes and the way we eat and dispose of food is damaging the planet.
Your body needs iron for muscle development during growth and to transport oxygen in healthy blood. Iron requirements vary, so careful choices are particularly important for some people.