Celebrate the achievements of AHPs in public health and discover the vision for the next five years.
The Northern Ireland Department of Health has finally accepted the Pay Review Bodies recommendations on pay for HSC staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions for 2024/25.
It’s easy to live for today and have a short-term mindset when it comes to health. But, as research reveals weight as the top health priority for Brits in 2025, dietitians say it’s time long-term health and wellbeing were prioritised instead
BDA Scotland Policy and Campaigns Officer Rhianna Mallia analyses the Scottish Budget 2025-26.
Find out more about the BDA response to the aspiring 10-year plan.
The BDA's 2024 Research Symposium saw 106 abstracts presented across 16 streams. Not only was this a record breaking number of pieces of research being shared but the BDA also saw the biggest attendance for the event too.
It has been announced by DHSC and DEFRA that non-wholemeal wheat flour will now be fortified with folic acid from the end of 2026.
BDA Fellow Alison Smith, has been awarded the inaugural Chief Allied Health Professions Officer’s Gold Award for AHP Excellence.
Our thoughts on the first Labour budget in 14 years.
Danielle O’ Regan looks at the role of the dietitian within family therapy for anorexia nervosa at the Maudsley.
Australian eating disorders dietitian and researcher Dr Caitlin McMaster reflects on the importance of dietitians in filling research gaps in the area.
Anna Pettit looks at the causes, symptoms and management of this painful form of chronic inflammatory arthritis.
Lucy Kerrison looks at the science behind the link between fermented foods and gut health.
Sam McConkey shares his experience since joining the BDA’s Northern Ireland Board.
Naomi Asembi reports on a survey of Oxfordshire care homes to evaluate how they manage malnutrition.
Grace Falade looks at the nutritional issues around patients with dementia.
It has been an incredible privilege to serve in this role and to work alongside such passionate, dedicated, and inspiring professionals. I’m immensely proud of what we’ve achieved as a community, and I’d like to share some key highlights.
Read three top tips on how to reduce food waste from Apetito's Development Dietitian, Sophia Cornelius.
With the rise in popularity of plant-based diets, demand for alternatives to dairy has also increased, find out the facts when it comes to plant-based drinks.
Sophia Cornelius considers why food allergens can make it challenging to meet nutritional requirements.