Hilary Du cane
Company name:
Nutrition Means Business Ltd
Contact address:
Maidenhead United Kingdom

For organisations
Whether you’re launching something new, wanting persuasive and legal claims about nutrients and health, developing recipes, preparing a tender, needing nutritional analysis or just some advice, I’ll do the work for you myself. You’ll find I’m on your wavelength and able to make nutrition dovetail with your operations, constraints and marketing.
For workplaces in the Thames Valley
Health screening for your staff is a key perk, both informative and popular. I’ll test their cholesterol, blood glucose, triglyceride and blood pressure at my mobile ‘clinic’. It’s safe, quick, convenient and accurate and gives instant results. If you prefer an indoor service, I can add body weight, measurement and composition.
For anyone near Maidenhead
Find out if you’re one of the majority of adults with high cholesterol, triglyceride, hypertension or diabetes. Get tested in just 15 minutes at my safe, convenient drive-in or walk-up outdoor clinic.