Social Media Influencer Award

This award is to celebrate an individual or group who have been particularly influential on social media. It could be across a range of social media channels or just one, and could be a specific campaign or a range of activities.

Entry Criteria

This award is open for applications and nominations. To apply for Social Media Influencer of the Year:

  1. The receipent of the award must be a member of the BDA
  2. Choose one main category and submit a clear 500-word summary of the activity and its success, with details on how the criteria has been met
  3. Provide a maximum 200-word summary of the activity in relation to any of the remaining categories
  4. You may submit up to four pieces of supporting material as evidence to support your nomination

Past Winners

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2023 Winner - Cristian Costas Batlle

Cristian created an Instagram page during the COVID-19 pandemic to support people living with coeliac disease struggling to access evidence-based information about the condition and the gluten free diet. Over the last three years it has turned into a highly valuable resource for patients, health professionals and the general public and Cristian uses it to raise much needed awareness of coeliac disease and the essential value that dietitians have in leading the way with this medical condition.

2023 - Cristian Costas Batlle (@coeliac_dietitian)

2022 - Ro Huntriss (

2021 - Jointly awarded to NHS Fife - Nutrition & Dietetic Department and Nutribytes Ltd

Apply or nominate a social media influencer