An introduction to the Occupational Therapists and Dietetic First Contact Practitioner roles

This webinar is aimed at primary care training hubs and those employing/considering employing OTs and dietitians to provide an overview of the expertise dietitians and occupational therapists can bring to primary care, along with how you, HEE and professional bodies can support these roles.

We will be hosting webinars in July and August for BDA Members, more information to follow.

Held by Health Education England, British Dietetic Assocation and Occupational Therapists.

Join to find out more about:

  • the expertise occupational therapists and dietitians can bring to primary care.
  • the benefits to patients and primary care staff
  • how these roles can be supported


  • Amanda Hensman-Crook, HEE AHP National Clinical Fellow, Health Education England

Overview of the AHP roadmaps to practice, where FCP and AP fit into the career training pathway from graduation to consultant practice, capabilities, supervision and support

  • Eleanor Johnstone, BDA Professional Practice Manager

What can a First Contact Dietitian offer you in primary care and how the BDA are supporting these roles

  • Genevieve Smyth, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, Professional Adviser

What can FCP Occupational Therapists offer you in primary care? Drawing on evidence from early adopter sites, the occupational therapy role has focused on rehabilitation for older adults to stay well at home; empowering adults with mental health problems to become more active in their daily lives and supporting patients with health and work problems who frequently request repeat GP Fit notes.

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