Advancing Dietetics in Mental Health (Two day course)


Aimed at Dietitians new to mental health who need more depth than the BDA Introduction to mental health, LD, and ED course. Dietitians wanting to specialise in or have an interest in MH. Dietitians wanting an update in MH.

This course will provide dietitians specialising in mental health with the essential knowledge and skills required to work in this area.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand nutritional assessments and psychological approaches used in MH
  • To understand and develop communication skills for MH
  • To understand risk factors and management strategies


Day 1

9.00 Arrival and refreshments

9.30 Welcome and introductions

10.30 Introduction to mental health

10.40 Context of the day and icebreaker

10.45 Break

11.00 Mental health conditions and impact on dietary intake

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Practical aspects e.g. communication skills, rapport building

14.45 Break

15.00 Aspects of working in MH:

  • The importance of time
  • Working outside of the box
  • Managing risk
  • Students in a MH setting

16.30 Summary & close

Day 2

9.00 Arrival and refreshments

9.30 Welcome and introductions

9.40 Context of the day and icebreaker

10.00 The mental health environment and working as a dietitian – what are the challenges?

10.45 Break

11.00 Breaking down barriers – strategies to make improvements (include MDT working)

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Managing physical health in mental health e.g. refeeding syndrome, diabetes

14.30 Break

14.45 Bringing everything together

16.00 Summary & close

Upcoming Dates