Critical Care Specialist Group – Sustainability in Critical Care

Hosted by Critical Care Specialist Group

The Critical Care Specialist Group are look forward to seeing you at our sustainability webinar. We will be covering why sustainability matters in dietetics and in critical care and examples of putting this into practice.  View the Agenda.


Emma Gaskin,  Introduction by Chair.

Dr Jack Parry-Jones,  Why care about sustainability in ICU?

Consultant in Adult Intensive Care Medicine, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine: Vice Dean FICM 2022 - present, Chair Small Units Advisory Group (SSUAG) 2022 - present, Chair Green ICU Group Cardiff, FICM representative for the ICS Sustainability Group, Advisory Group for the SBRI Grant alongside ICS, UKCCNA and Brighton University and FICM Board lead for sustainability  

More about Dr Jack Parry-Jones - He is a consultant in Adult ICM in Cardiff; a large intensive care service including major trauma, neuro-critical care, CAR T therapies, and Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OOHCA).  He trained in medicine, anesthesia, and ICM and working only in ICM since 2002. Dr Jack Parry-Jones, is interested in the development of ICM as a UK stand alone specialty and College.  The keys to this are its professional standing with other specialties including research, our professional standards including examinations, and closer links world-wide with other intensive care organisations. This includes sustainable healthcare.  He believes that there is a lot more we can do as Healthcare professionals in relation to sustainable healthcare as well as more widely providing leadership and an example for others to follow.  

Louise Kirkham (representing the BDA Sustainability specialist group), Why care about sustainability in dietetics? 

More about Louise -  she is a registered Dietitian from a catering background, now working in the acute setting in Cardiff and passionate about bringing sustainability into practice and improving processes to reduce the impact on the environment. Louise is starting a Fellowship in Sustainable Quality Improvement with the aim to reduce waste within Dietetic Practice and to support others in bringing sustainability within practice. 

Dr Nicky Wyer, The evidence behind plant based feeds.

More about Nicky - Nicky is a Consultant Dietitian in Coventry. Her specialist caseload is intestinal failure, with the dietetic service she leads managing patients on critical care, the wider hospital and an increasing cohort of home parenteral support patients.  She provides clinical leadership for all aspects of nutrition support, was the first Dietitian supplementary prescriber for the trust, and is the department research lead.

Faith Toogood, Critical Care Dietitian at Royal Cornwall Hospital 

Case study 1: Turning used feed bottles into milk bottles at Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust.

More about Faith - Working currently as a dietitian on critical care.  Varied career including clinical and non NHS work both within UK and abroad. Now settled in Cornwall with my husband, 2 daughters and several animals!

Rosa Holt, Case study 2: Increasing recycling of feed and oral nutritional supplement bottles in critical care at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

More about Rosa - Rosa is Specialist in Critical Care based in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Rosa also works in the nexus of sustainable food and farming, she is a Director for the Scottish Organic Producers Association and as a Dietitian she regularly contributes to work to inform Scottish Policy including the recent Good Food Nation Consultation. Rosa is a Resource Officer for the Sustainable Diets Specialist Group for the British Dietetic Association enabling her to share good practice and knowledge in sustainable food and farming across the UK Dietetic profession.  Rosa is registered as a BASIS Environmental Advisor working directly within agriculture to support farmers use agroecology to implement sustainable solutions in practice.'

Jenny Leyland and Emma Gaskin, Update on the BDA CCSG sustainability group and close.


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  • Sustainable Diets Specialist Group Member - Free
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