Diabetes Specialist Group - Annual Study Day - Keeping person focused in a digital diabetes world

Hosted by Diabetes Specialist Group and Diabetes Paediatric Sub Group

The annual study day returns this year and is going hybrid. If you can't attend in person you will also be able to watch virtually. The day will also host the Diabetes and Paediatric Diabetes AGM.

The agenda will include talks on:

  1. Medical device representatives using case studies to show how to interpret Advanced Hybrid Closed Loop reports. 
  2. Technology and mental health
  3. Emerging AI and dietetics
  4. Exploring apps used in diabetes management


  • Being human in the age of digital diabetes care with Dr Rose Stewart, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, BCUHB

Talk summary - Technology is changing diabetes care like never before, but is this at the cost of person-centred care? This session will consider some of the recent advances in tech and the messy, unpredictable elements that interfere with it’s efficacy (often referred to as ‘people’).

Dr Rose Stewart is a multi-award winning Consultant Clinical Psychologist working in North Wales. She is the acting Diabetes Psychology lead for Wales and the chair of the UK Diabetes Psychology Network. She writes guided self-help books for people living with diabetes (the Talking Type 1 range), is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion and member of the Council of Healthcare Professionals, and lectures at Swansea and Bangor universities. Dr Stewart uses a range of third-wave therapeutic approaches to work with high-risk client groups, and has particular interests in working with young adults, interventions to prevent psychological distress and creating psychologically informed care systems.

  • AE - Artificial Education, what could be the role of (AI) Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Education and Care? with Dr Duane Mellor, Senior Lecturer and Associate Dean - Public Engagement, Aston Medical School, Aston University.

Duane is currently responsible for nutrition and evidence based medicine in Aston Medical School. Duane, before his role in higher education worked in diabetes care. Alongside his teaching, research and media work he has kept an active interest in supporting people living with diabetes through membership of the Diabetes Specialist Interest Group committee and volunteering with Diabetes UK.

  • Update from Diabetes UK with Douglas Twenefour, Diabetes UK

Douglas Twenefour is the Head of Care at Diabetes UK, and an Associate Lecturer at London Metropolitan University.

  • My lived experience of diabetes technology with Jean Langford - student dietitian and person with lived experience of diabetes technology

Jean is currently a student dietitian on the MDiet programme at QMU, Edinburgh and is a senior diabetes peer support worker for the new National Diabetes CLS Onboarding Team in Scotland. Living with type 1 diabetes for over 17 years led Jean to work and volunteer in the diabetes space over the last 5 years. Having studied and worked in business before this, the turnaround of working and volunteering in the space of diabetes, was as a direct result of engaging with her own diabetes care in recent years after a really positive experience with her own dietitian and diabetes care team in Cork, Ireland.

  • Interpreting reports for CamAPS with Sara Hartnell, Operations & Partnerships Manager, CamDiab Ltd

Sara is a diabetes Specialist Dietitian with over 25 years experience.  Working as lead Diabetes Specialist Educator at Cambridge University Hospital, she specialised in the use of all types of diabetes technology with a particular interest in increasing access.  During this time, Sara was part of Prof Roman Hovorka’s Artificial Pancreas group, involved in the training and support of participants in numerous research studies.

  • Unpicking the Control IQ Glooko Report -  A Quick Guide with Kathryn Fraser RD, Diabetes Specialist Dietitian, Diabetes Clinical Specialist (UK and Ireland) - Air Liquide Healthcare UK

Kathryn is a dietitian and advanced diabetes practitioner with over 25 years of working with people with diabetes in an NHS setting. Since 2021 she has worked as a clinical trainer  for Air Liquide Healthcare.

  • Interpreting Medtronic CareLink™ reports with Emma Marcus, Senior Training and Education Specialist, Medtronic

Talk summary - Emma will provide an overview of available CareLink™ reports, with an emphasis on those most useful to us as dietitians. She will also discuss goals and personalised goals, and how patients are encouraged to use CareLink™ to inform their own changes to settings and  behaviours.  

Emma is a State Registered Dietitian, with over 15 years of experience in the NHS, working in primary, secondary and tertiary settings, and with both paediatric and adult teams. Emma joined Medtronic in 2012 as a Technical Consultant, and moved to Training and Education 8 years ago.

  • Carbs and Cals and the future of technology in carbohydrate counting with Chris Cheyette, Diabetes Specialist Dietitian, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Chello Publishing Ltd

Talk summary - Chris will cover the evolution of carb counting, examining current and future app developments' impact on accuracy and usability. Chris discusses the ongoing evolution of the Carbs & Cals app to meet user needs and speculates on its future developments.

Chris qualified as a dietitian in 2000 and has worked as a Diabetes Specialist Dietitian within the NHS for over 20 years. He has published several articles in academic journals on weight management and diabetes. He is also the co-founder of the award-winning Carbs & Cals range of books and app.

  • The BDA digital strategy with Will Hadfield, First Contact Dietitian (Diabetes) & BDA Digital Strategy Lead

Will is a First Contact Dietitian specialising in Diabetes in a Northwest London Primary Care Network (PCN). He is also leading on the development of the BDA Digital Strategy.

View Programme here. (subject to change)


  • Diabetes Specialist Group Member £70

Book before 10am on Monday 27 November to attend in Birmingham for £50.00. Please note no discount is available for virtual attendance.

  • BDA Member £90
  • BDA Student Members £20
  • Non Member £150
Admin Code SLA