Trade Union National Executive Committee – Role of committee member

01 Dec 2023

Trade Union National Executive Committee – Role of committee member

The purpose of the TU NEC is to ensure the proper management and direction of the BDA Trade Union.

Members elected to serve on the committee will:

  • Provide leadership and direction
  • Make major policy decisions
  • Agree nominations to outside bodies, e.g.  TUC General Council and conferences
  • Set objectives both externally and internally
  • Develop and implement a trade union strategy
  • Uphold the aims and objectives of the BDA
  • Be accountable to the members who elect them
  • Comply with the Trade Union’s Rulebook and the BDA’s Code of Conduct
  • Reflect the concerns of the members in their constituency
  • Participate in meetings and events
  • Work with the General Secretary, the Head of Employment Relations and other staff to ensure the proper functioning of the Trade Union.
  • Ensure that all work is carried out within the context of the agreed BDA equalities statement which is that:

“The BDA Trade Union will seek to ensure fair and equal treatment of all members including fair representation and access to services and participation. We will seek to protect the rights of all members to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. We will promote equality of opportunity for the dietetic profession and work to remove barriers to career progression”


There will be a minimum of four meetings of the TU NEC per year to be held at the BDA offices in Birmingham. Other meetings will be held as required and may be by telephone/video conference.

The Chair of the TU NEC will be elected at its inaugural meeting and will sit on the BDA Board of Directors to act as Director of the BDA company and facilitate the link between the Board and the TU NEC.

For information the current objectives and priorities of the BDA Trade Union are:


  1. The recruitment and organising of trade union representatives and members through the development of a unionwide organising strategy.
  2. Engagement with leaders and managers in the profession and the promotion of the benefits the trade union.
  3. Ensure that a high standard of advice and guidance is available to members as required.
  4. Effective networking with other union lead officers
  5. Effective communication with members and staff of issues of importance.
  6. Add value to BDA and external campaigns by encouraging wide participation and by building relationships.


  1. Build and organise and strong and resilient network of local and regional trade union representatives.
  2. Ensure that dietetic managers and leaders are encouraged to value TU rep roles
  3.  Ensure that members and staff actively share information and intelligence about local issues
  4. Set up a new national structure to enable democratic accountability and wider participation.