Public Health Specialist Group - Are all UPFs created equal?

Hosted by Public Health Specialist Group

Join this webinar for a frank and objective overview about ultra processed foods; what we know and what we don't know yet. Let our renowned and expert speakers, Dr Nicola Guess, Dr Duane Mellor and Dr Deirdre Tobias, lead you through this complex topic and provide a balanced perspective. 

This webinar is open to everyone - you will need to register your details with the BDA before you can reserve your tickets. 

Following the webinar the Public Health Specialist Group AGM will be held. (Members only)


  • Dr Duane Mellor RD, Aston University 

Duane is a UK registered dietitian who has worked clinically in diabetes care and has taught both dietetic and medical students. His research interest includes understanding of evidence and tries to integrate basic science through to clinical application. Duane also engages regularly with the media, winning awards from both the British Dietetic Association and Aston University for this work.

Duane will be looking at the role of food processing in our society, looking at the benefits it has brought in terms of food safety along with some of the risks it has also introduced with respect to risk of long term conditions. It is vital to consider the role of food science and the place of food in our society, especially in the urban setting and how that can impact both human health and food policy.

  • Dr Nicola Guess RD, University of Oxford 

Nicola is a registered dietitian and clinical researcher at the University of Oxford. She has run and co-led more than 15 trials on cardiometabolic health.

Nicola will be reviewing the evidence around UPFs and health, including observational data and trials. 

  • Dr Deirdre Tobias ScD, Harvard University 

Dr Tobias is a nutrition and obesity epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. She received her doctorate from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA in epidemiology and nutrition. Her research focuses on identifying lifestyle risk factors and integrating metabolomics for prevention of type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related chronic diseases. Dr. Tobias is PI of a NIH-funded randomized beverage trial and has research funding to improve causal inference from dietary interventions and observational studies to inform public health guidelines. She serves as the Academic Editor for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Instructor of Nutritional Epidemiology at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

Dr. Tobias will discuss the current evidence surrounding UPF intake; from the epidemiologic trends and associated health outcomes, to the experimental evidence disentangling these observational findings, when is the evidence sufficient to drive food policy?


Free to attend

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