Neurosciences Specialist Group - 2023 National Clinical Guideline for Stroke: what's new and what does this mean for dietetics?

Hosted by Neurosciences Specialist Group

The 2023 edition of the National Clinical Guideline for Stroke for the UK and Ireland is now available.

Over half the recommendations are new or have been updated. Big changes in the evidence base since the previous edition in 2016 have led to significant updates in three main areas:

  • A big expansion of patients eligible for thrombolysis and thrombectomy
  • More intensive interventions in secondary prevention – antiplatelets, cholesterol, blood pressure
  • More intensive rehab in hospital and at home to promote motor and language recovery.

This is a ‘five nations’ guideline for the first time ever, covering all of the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

The guideline is endorsed for use in clinical practice by the Royal College of Physicians (London), the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.

Online-only publication on  is supported by a plain language summary for people affected by stroke.

Please join us for a webinar focussing on updates to the guideline most relevant to dietitians and the nutritional care of adults who have had a stroke.  As well as outlining the guideline process, the evidence base, and key updates themselves, the webinar will provide an opportunity to consider the implications for dietitians and how updates can be implemented in practice.


Cara Lewis, Stroke Dietitian and Change Agent, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Cara is a stroke dietitian and represents the BDA on the Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party.  The 2023 National Clinical Guideline is an initiative of the Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party and Cara chaired a topic group of national experts that appraised the latest evidence related to nutrition, hydration, swallowing and language.  She is founder and co-lead of the BDA NSG Stroke Working Party and co-lead of the London and Surrey Stroke Dietitian's Community of Practice.

Dr Rebecca Fisher, National Stroke Programme Manager, Clinical Policy Unit, NHS England.  Associate Director, King’s College London Stroke Programme


Free for members of Neurosciences Specialist Group


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