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About us

The Older People Specialist Group (OPSG) of the BDA is the group for Dietitians with an interest in older people's nutrition.



  • Bring together Dietitians with an interest in the nutrition of older people – we believe nutrition for older adults is a specialism on a par with any other area of dietetic expertise
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and experience - OPSG has a discussion forum (see below once logged in) which we encourage members to use to post questions and offer replies
  • Offer advice and support to Dietitians working with older people on all aspects of nutrition in older adults
  • Produce and endorse evidence-based resources to promote and encourage good nutrition for older people
  • Build links with other agencies and voluntary organisations - we collaborate with various national organisations and charities to improve the accuracy and appropriateness of nutrition resources for older people (see Eating, Drinking and Ageing Well as an example)
  • Support research – we offer our support to relevant research projects
  • Promote older peoples nutrition on Twitter – follow us @BDA_olderpeople
  • Champion the use of food as treatment in cases of malnutrition - we believe that our in depth knowledge and understanding of food is one of the unique skills of Dietitians. In 2018 we produced OPSG guiding principles to demonstrate our core values.


To enquire about the group please email: [email protected]