Enough is enough - BDA responds to PM resignation

20 Oct 2022

The BDA welcomes the Prime Minister's resignation today. The country, our members, and the NHS could not continue with the utter chaos we have seen over the past weeks and months.

Yet the problems this chaos has created have not gone away. Cost of living spiralling out of control, the NHS on a war footing just to survive the winter, and questions over whether we can even keep the lights on.

The cry at TUC this year was enough is enough and the BDA resoundingly agrees with this. Enough underfunding of our NHS, enough of an overworked NHS workforce, and enough of people in this country going hungry.

The new Prime Minister must take a different course for this country with a properly funded NHS and proper pay for Dietitians, Dietetic Support Workers and all workers in the NHS.

As always, the BDA stands ready to work with the Government in support of this. But we must see credible change and an end to the endless cycle of chaos that we have seen from this Government.

Annette Mansell-Green, Director of Trade Union and Public Affairs at the BDA says, “For too long Dietitians and other NHS workers have suffered under this Government. Low pay, understaffing, frustration at not being able to deal with waiting lists have made their working lives extremely difficult.

“Our members care passionately about the NHS and patients and change is long overdue. They need a Government that cares and one that will negotiate a meaningful pay award with us.”

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