Work Ready Resources

Your Work Ready dietitian will bring resources tailored for your specific needs. Below are some examples. There are some free downloads to get you started. You can read about healthier vending and the evidence behind Work Ready. You can contact us to order resources or for more information using our form

Workshops and webinars

Online or face-to-face workshops can be adapted to suit the needs of your organisation.


Free resources 

To request any of the free resources, please email [email protected]

Available from your dietitian

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Factsheets: Customised with easy to digest tips to help keep new ideas fresh and memorable.


Posters: Colourful prompts to bring to mind what you have learnt.

Resources to order


Hydration posters for healthcare workers wearing PPE (including: healthy fluids, observing Ramadan, and Welsh translations). Available to order from the BDA Shop or enquire below.

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Wellbeing planner: A bespoke four week online subscription with daily tips, guidance and support for your employees.


Hydration Champion Toolkit: Train one employee to raise awareness and hydration in your workforce. Getting started is simple with immediate benefits. Order your digital copy from the BDA Shop.

Customise your pack to include a manual, pee charts, posters, coasters and more.


Healthier Vending: Our comprehensive review of vending standards and ‘better vending’ criteria.

Making the business case

Exec summary

White Paper – Supporting healthier working lives through dietitian-led wellness initiatives: All of the research and thinking behind Work Ready.


Exec summary

Executive Summary: An easy-read summary of our White Paper.


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How it works leaflet: An explanation of how Work Ready works.


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Download or print any specialist industry leaflet.

  • Communications
  • Construction
  • Health and social care
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Office and home-based
  • Response and emergency services
  • Retail
  • Transport


Fill out the form below to order any resources or find out more information