This online resource, a part of e-Learning for Healthcare, provides advice for dietitians and other healthcare professionals who may have had to support critical care during the pandemic.
A suite of information developed by the Royal College of Physicians Advisory Group on Nutrition, Health and Weight to support adults living with obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Second Edition of best practice guidance developed by the BDA Critical Care Group for feeding patients while in the prone position both awake and sedated.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) and the British Specialist Nutrition Association (BSNA) have worked with suppliers to put in place dedicated resilience arrangements to support continuity of supply.
It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and to maintain a healthy weight. This information tells you about the nutrition to have in hospital and how to help with common problems you may have with eating.
It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and to maintain a healthy weight. This information sheet tells you more about these problems and tips to help you.
It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and maintain a healthy weight. This information sheet tells you about the nutrition to have at home and how to help with common problems you may have with eating.
Guidance from the BDA Renal Specialst Group and Critical Care Specialist Group providing practical considerations for the nutritional management of patients requiring acute PD for the management of acute kidney injury.
NHS England have produced a standard operating procedure for Community health services which clarifies the expected approach of community health services to the management of patients, in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A more detailed explanation of the BDA's position regarding PPE and COVID-19, building on our previous statements included within our Advice to Dietitians FAQ.